We pay special attention to the characteristics of each order and prepare each shipment with special care so that the customer is satisfied with their purchase, avoiding as far as possible.
The transport of EMBUTIDOS HORTANCO S.L. It will be carried out through our collaborating transport companies, which will carry out the door-to-door service, in REFRIGERATED transport (between +2ºC and +8ºC) guaranteeing that in no case is the cold chain broken, to ensure the best conditions for your order. Delivery will usually be made within a period of 24/48h from our shipping confirmation.
Allow at least 24 hours for the processing of the shipment from the moment of purchase.
However, in extreme cases, incidents in transport could occur, assuring you that the maximum term will never exceed 5 business days from the confirmation of shipment.
The shipping cost will be €8.50.
Once the order leaves our warehouses, an e-mail will be sent notifying you that your order has been accepted and is being prepared, and subsequently shipped. (I have doubts about the process involved in the sale) The orders will be sent to the delivery address that you have given us in your form, so it is important that you pay attention when covering the delivery address data, including contact telephone number to facilitate the process and avoid incidents.
We will not be held responsible if the delivery address is incorrect or incomplete. Make sure you have a suitable place to keep the product refrigerated until use. HORTANCO SAUSAGES S.L. will not send any order when it is not possible to identify the recipient of the order and its address.
Is it possible to make a return of my order?
You have 7 days from receipt to return the order. To do this, the customer must request the return form by email to [email protected]. Once the package is received at our facilities, we will verify that the product is returned in its original packaging and in perfect condition, if everything is correct we will proceed
The transportation costs of the purchase will not be refunded unless it was an error of the company, or due to defects in the merchandise.
What do I do if I receive an incorrect or defective product?
Returns will be accepted for defective products or errors in shipping (the customer should never accept a defective order or in poor condition due to transport).
In this case, the customer has 24 hours to make his claim from the receipt of the order. To do this, the customer must notify [email protected] by email, indicating the order number, what the problem is and their personal data, and then we will indicate the instructions for making the return.
We will proceed to make the return or replacement, as the case may be, as soon as possible within 30 days after you receive our confirmation email. The payment will be made by the same means that the payment was made; In the event that there really is a defect with the products or an erroneous order, we take care of the return shipping costs.
If the error is due to transport, or the packaging does not arrive in good condition, you must state it on the delivery note that the carrier will have you sign. We remind you again that orders that arrive damaged due to transport should not be accepted.
+34 948 700 428 — WhatsApp
Pol. Ind. La Nava, calle G, 16
31300 Tafalla, Navarra
AYUDAS A LA INVERSIÓN EN INDUSTRIAS AGROALIMENTARIAS. El FEADER a través del PDR de Navarra 2014-2020 cofinancia esta inversión en un 31%. / NEKAZARITZAKO ELIKAGAIEN INDUSTRIARAKO INBERTSIO LAGUNTZAK. LGENFk 2014-2020 nafarroako LGP-ren bitartez inbertsio honen % 31 elkar finantzatzen du.
Proyecto cofinanciado por:
Elkarrekin finantzatutak proiektua:
Embutidos Hortanco ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de desarrollo regional cuyo objetivo es la implantación de soluciones innovadoras para la internacionalización, y gracias al que ha realizado un proyecto digital de comercio electrónico internacional. Esta acción ha tenido lugar durante 2021/22. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del programa InnoXport de la Cámara de Comercio de Navarra.
Embutidos Hortanco SL en el marco del Programa ICEX Next, ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y con la cofinanciación del fondo europeo FEDER. La finalidad de este apoyo es contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y de su entorno. Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Una manera de hacer Europa.
2025 © Embutidos Hortanco S.L.